Area Code 475-200 : Area Code 475-298 is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Following is reverse lookup detail & reviews for area code 475 2xx including 475 area code location map. Major cities such as Hartford, Wallingford, Middletown, New Haven, Bloomfield covered within area code 475 2xx are also listed on this page. More area codes, including those outside of Connecticut, United States of America, are on the homepage.

Reverse Lookup Detail for Area Code 475 2xx

Area code 475 covers part of Connecticutstate, covering most of New Haven, Fairfield counties. It was started on Dec 12, 2009. This region follows US/Eastern + Daylight Savings timezone. Other popular area codes that belong to Connecticut state include 203, 860, 959.

Verified changes in Area Code 475 2XX

Date ChangedChange Details
Jun 15, 2014Area code 203 subscribers are now overlayed with area code 475. Subscriber area code 475-202 was assigned on Apr 20, 2011 and is operational from Jun 15, 2014.
May 25, 2014Area code 475-243 will be de-activated on May 25, 2014 for all subscribers. Subscribers of area code 475 can use the overlayed area code 203 from May 25, 2014.
May 03, 2014Area code 475-204 will be de-activated on May 03, 2014 for all subscribers. Subscribers of area code 475 can use the overlayed area code 203 from May 03, 2014.
May 03, 2014Area code 475-227 will be de-activated on May 03, 2014 for all subscribers. Subscribers of area code 475 can use the overlayed area code 203 from May 03, 2014.
May 01, 2014Area code 203 subscribers are now overlayed with area code 475. Subscriber area code 475-205 was assigned on Mar 20, 2014 and is operational from May 01, 2014.
Apr 21, 2014Area code 203 subscribers are now overlayed with area code 475. Subscriber area code 475-235 was assigned on Apr 09, 2014 and is operational from Apr 21, 2014.

Area Code 475-200 - Area Code 475-298 (Covers 475 2xx xxxx phone numbers)

Area CodeCityCountyPopulationNetwork Operator
475-200-0HartfordFairfield916,829Peerless Network of Connecticut LLC - CT
475-201-0HartfordNew Haven862, CLEC LLC - CT
475-201-0HartfordNew Haven862,477MetroPCS Inc
475-201-9HartfordNew Haven862,477YMax Communications Corporation - CT
475-201-8MiddletownNew Haven862,477New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-201-5WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-202-6HartfordNew Haven862,477Comcast Phone of Connecticut Inc - CT
475-202-8New HavenNew Haven862,477CTC Communications Corporation - CT
475-202-7New HavenNew Haven862,477SBC Internet Services Inc
475-202-9WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-202-0WallingfordNew Haven862,477Sprint Spectrum LP
475-204-2HartfordFairfield916, CLEC LLC - CT
475-204-9MiddletownFairfield916,829New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-204-0WallingfordFairfield916,829Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-205-0New LondonFairfield916,829Qwest Communications Company LLC
475-205-9WallingfordFairfield916,829Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-211995,213Community Support And Referral Services
475-212-2HartfordNew Haven862, CLEC LLC - CT
475-212-0HartfordNew Haven862,477Peerless Network of Connecticut LLC - CT
475-222-0HartfordNew Haven862,477Peerless Network of Connecticut LLC - CT
475-222-7WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-227-0BristolNew Haven862,477Comcast Phone of Connecticut Inc - CT
475-227-3HartfordNew Haven862,477Comcast Phone of Connecticut Inc - CT
475-227-0MiddletownNew Haven862,477New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-227-2New HavenNew Haven862,477SBC Internet Services Inc
475-227-8WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-235-1HartfordNew Haven862, CLEC LLC - CT
475-235-4HartfordNew Haven862,477Comcast Phone of Connecticut Inc - CT
475-235-0MiddletownNew Haven862,477New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-235-3New HavenNew Haven862,477SBC Internet Services Inc
475-235-6StamfordNew Haven862,477Level 3 Communications LLC - CT
475-235-8WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-238-0HartfordNew Haven862, CLEC LLC - CT
475-238-8HartfordNew Haven862,477Comcast Phone of Connecticut Inc - CT
475-238-0WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-239-0BloomfieldFairfield916,829Omnipoint Communications Inc - CT
475-239-0HartfordFairfield916,829Peerless Network of Connecticut LLC - CT
475-243-9BloomfieldNew Haven862,477Omnipoint Communications Inc - CT
475-243-2HartfordNew Haven862, CLEC LLC - CT
475-243-0HartfordNew Haven862,477Peerless Network of Connecticut LLC - CT
475-243-5MiddletownNew Haven862,477New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-243-3WallingfordNew Haven862,477Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-282-0HartfordFairfield916, CLEC LLC - CT
475-282-9NorwalkFairfield916,829Cablevision Lightpath Inc - CT
475-282-2StamfordFairfield916,829Level 3 Communications LLC - CT
475-282-5WallingfordFairfield916,829Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT
475-298-1HartfordFairfield916, CLEC LLC - CT
475-298-9MiddletownFairfield916,829New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC
475-298-4New LondonFairfield916,829Qwest Communications Company LLC
475-298-2NorwalkFairfield916,829MetroPCS Inc
475-298-0WallingfordFairfield916,829Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CT

Recent Free Phone Number Reviews in Area Code 475 2xx

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Verified phone numbers in Area Code 475

Area Code#Area Code#Area Code#Area Code#Area Code#
475 2001475 2021475 2121

Map for area code 475 2xx  

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475 Area Code

At, you'll find current information on 475area code, including 475 area code location & map. Other phone area code may be searched using's area code locator service on the homepage. Use the phone number search function above to instant verify area code lookup & phone number lookup.

Connecticut Area Codes Directory provides a free area codes directory with detailed information on the various USA area codes, area codes listing, and other area codes phone details. also lists international area codes within the North American Numbering Plan. And you can verify owners of phone numbers using the reverse number lookup service by entering a 10 digit phone number in the top most text box.

475 Area Code Finder

Find area codes by using's area code finder. provides an area codes location map service for area codes of USA. When using these maps, please note that area zip codes are different than phone number area codes used for calling.

Connecticut Area Code Lookup is an excellent resource for area code lookup and reverse number lookup. Here you'll find area codes, city, county, population & operator list table of area codes within the United States. Also, you can verify owners of phone numbers with full name & address information for background check. For a full list of area codes, visit home page. It provides drilldown for USA area codes and area code location maps.

Reverse Phone Number Verification

Find owner information using the reverse phone number search function on With phone number search function, you can find owner information & detailed area codes information in the United States.

Telephone/Landline Area Codes is a resource of North American telephone area codes. Beyond area code listings, relevant information about each area code is detailed. For example, this page details area code 475-2. You can also search area codes by state, and within the NANP, find country area codes.

Free Area Codes Locator for Connecticut

The area codes locator shows the coverage area for each phone number area code. Area code locations are also listed by city next to the area code maps on this page. Also, read reviews within an area code.

475 Area Code Reviews provides local reviews for phone numbers and aggregates results per area code. It shows you the area code location covered by each area code; for example, the LA area code reveiws covers local business phone numbers area in Los Angeles. This page details area code 475-2. All USA states area codes may be found using

Telephone Area Codes in Connecticut

The telephone area code prefixes local phone numbers & is not required to be dialed. For area codes by city, search Area codes telephone differ from region to region, and in some places the area code must be dialed even when calling locally within that region. Find out more with area code decoder.

External links & resources for area code 475 in Connecticut